Friday, August 29, 2008


(This is a letter to my Dad.) Dearest Dad, I know you’re proud. I know it’s comforting to you. I know how you feel about it. But, here’s the thing…I’m not a truck driver. I am a well-educated, well-read, literate WOMAN with an expansive vocabulary and many skills. Some of my skills include food service, equipment operator, educator, big sister, pipe layer, writer, receptionist, office worker, and (yes) driving trucks of many descriptions. This is a sample of what I DO. This is not WHO I am. This is a collection of parts of my complete BEING. So, please, when you introduce me, “this is my very talented daughter, whom I love very much and am very proud of, Rosa,” will be fine. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. Your loving daughter, Rosa


Life is a river. It flows along a set course. It moves, it bubbles, it follows the path laid forth by the Master. Yet we sit still. We watch and moan. Why don’t we get up and go where we’re needed? Why do we asked to be transformed, yet expect to remain where we started? You can’t win a race, if you never leave the blocks. You can’t be transformed, renewed, made-over if you never step into the stream. Follow your river, break away from the blocks at the sound of the gun. He has faithfully answered. Now go where He leads.


Slipping, sliding, falling, landing. Contacting, impacting, crashing, breaking. Hurting, twisted, broken, smashed. Sweeping, jumbled, mixed-up, trashed.


My soul is flailing and wailing in the darkness without the Son. "Come out from behind the cloud," He whispers. But my tears drown Him out. "Where are You?," I cry. "Holding you up," He whispers. "Why can't I see you?," I scream. "Open your eyes," He whispers. In exhaustion, I sink to the ground on my knees. Spent, I look around. He is all around me. His arms are wrapped about my body. "Oh, Father," I whisper. "I've got you," He weeps.


The Prayer: Father, she’s so sick. Won’t you, please, lay your healing hands on her? Remove her pain? Ease the hurt? Reduce the swelling? Make her whole? Amen Later: Father, I came to you. I knelt, I prayed, I cried, I believed, I was humble. Why did you take her? I’m not ready to let her go. Why did she have to die? I’m so lonely without her. Please, give me a miracle, send her back to me. Amen God’s Answer: Child, she’s no longer sick. I did lay my healing hands on her. I removed her pain. I eased the hurt. I reduced the swelling. I made her whole. I brought her home. She is here, with Me, where she belongs. I will give you others to heal your loneliness. It’s time for you to go on without her. I’ll see you soon, too. I love you.


Help me Father. I need an answer now. Show me a sign so I know how to move. Make me aware. Lightening, thunder, gale-force winds, a hurricane. Give me something I can hear Lord. What is your answer? Is he the one for me? Should I go out with him? Will he be the man You have chosen for me? Will our union honor You? I sit here patient, waiting to obey. Why won’t You tell me? I’ve asked You over and over for the last half hour. Still, the phone doesn’t ring. He said he would call at 5:30. Now it’s 6:30. Still, the phone doesn’t ring. Should I call him? Will that be to forward? Still, the phone doesn’t ring. It’s 7:30 now. Still, the phone doesn’t ring. Why is it, that we listen for a “still, small voice,” yet look for a loud noise?


Look at the water. It’s so pretty, yet unmoving. Step in and make ripples on the surface. Immerse yourself in its purifying properties. Go ahead, dunk in your head. Now come out. Leave it behind. Don’t look back. You are a new creation. You are cleansed of all sin. Past hurts are washed away. Your heart is healed and renewed. You are a new person. Go forth and spread the Word. Tell about the Puddle. Rejoice in the Son.


“Oh, no! Clumsy human.” “That was a beautiful plate.” “What is to become of me now?” “I guess I’ll throw it away. What a shame and a waste. Now does it go in the recycle can or the trash?” “Maybe she’ll make me into something new.” “Did you say something?” “Yes. Did you know that if you break me up just a little more I could be made over? You know, how God did for you. Remember what a mess you were? You were broken, lost, lonely, crying all the time. Did God throw you away? No, He had craft time. He rearranged the pieces. He redirected your heart. He gave you a new outlook on your inside. Pick up that glue bottle. Rearrange me. Cover a bare wall. Make me into a mosaic. Use me to teach God’s truth to another, the way He used your pieces to renew you. Honor the earth by not filling another landfill.” “Do you really think I can?” “You were taught by the Master.” “I’ll give it a try.” “Now you look just like my heart.” “Thank you!”