Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Introspection on time

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I think we set ourselves up for failure when we compare ourselves to others. If God had wanted me to be a Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, or Mother Teresa He would not have made me a Rosa Culp. I am the unique individual He created. He formed me, blessed me, made me and when finished said, "She is good." This is not an excuse for things I do wrong or mistakes I make. It is not a conceited effort to put myself forward as an example to others. However, I have been convinced that I am who, how and as He intended. Any other belief leads down a road of depression, self loathing and regrets. I make myself say "I am not perfect. But, I am perfectly designed." As you see, the flaw is not in the actual object (self), it's in the understanding of the machinations that are me. If we stop to refocus, or look at ourselves from another place or viewpoint we can often see a beauty that will stun us. We must look at ourselves through our Father's eyes.

Top 3 Time Bandits

1.) Myself
2.) Books
3.) Birds and Nature
I am very disorganized. Things are never put in their proper places, so I spend much time searching for what I want or need instead of doing what needs done. It often takes so much time to find the things I need that there is no time left for the doing. Any time there is an object with words on it, I have to stop and read it. Who knows, it may be some important instructions or a warning. It may be an inspiration for some new creative outlet or new creative direction. In warm seasons I step out on my patio and sit at the table to write. I see something from the corner of my eye and proceed to spend the next hour watching some robin or woodpecker or something I haven't yet identified. Maybe God put my time bandits here to help me slow down and see what He has given to me. Maybe my time bandits are the real reason God sent me to the places where my bandits reside. Maybe my time bandits aren't bandits. Maybe they are the true purpose. Nah, I think those are just excuses for my goofing off!

A Bat Circling the Sky

Out of the box I fly
To circle in the sky
I can see so much
Of spiders, bugs and such
Mine is a merry life
Carefree, empty of strife
I'm natures Orkin man
Eating as many bugs as I can
I, also, eat small frogs
Scoop them up off logs
I am free to fly away
Yet, I will sleep all day.