"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
I think we set ourselves up for failure when we compare ourselves to others. If God had wanted me to be a Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, or Mother Teresa He would not have made me a Rosa Culp. I am the unique individual He created. He formed me, blessed me, made me and when finished said, "She is good." This is not an excuse for things I do wrong or mistakes I make. It is not a conceited effort to put myself forward as an example to others. However, I have been convinced that I am who, how and as He intended. Any other belief leads down a road of depression, self loathing and regrets. I make myself say "I am not perfect. But, I am perfectly designed." As you see, the flaw is not in the actual object (self), it's in the understanding of the machinations that are me. If we stop to refocus, or look at ourselves from another place or viewpoint we can often see a beauty that will stun us. We must look at ourselves through our Father's eyes.