Saturday, April 18, 2009


I am barren, hollow, bereft, empty. Never given the gift of conception, internal growth, birth. The next generation is not mine to mold, shape, nurture. No husband, no child, all alone in this place. I must be patient. There is a better place coming to me. My faith must provide the sustenance of my living. I am not chosen. Through all of this, I am not gift less. I must hold to the creativity He has given to me. I must write, paint, feed the birds, crochet, sew, cook, and love the prodigy of other women's bodies. Because my gifts can not be held inside. I can not withdraw inside of myself. I must love and use the gifts He has given, and not mourn the ones withheld. Give me, please Father, the strength to hold up my head, and continue joyfully through life. Lift me up in Your arms, shelter me. Be the family which is withheld. Give me friends with children for me to love. Thank you for all. Amen

Can YOu Hear Him Now?

My God is calling to me right now. I answer Him by exposing myself in letters formed to words in a written format, so others may share in the gift He has given to me. He does not need a land line or a cell phone, the internet is installed in my heart of hearts. When He calls, there is a peace and a stillness that enters my soul. The birds stop singing, or seem to. My cats go lie down. The telephone doesn't ring. The television loosens it's hold on me. There is nothing on the radio. "Hello? God? Yes, it's me, Rosa. Yes, I hear you now." He tells me secrets. He whispers truth. He shares comfort. He centers my soul. He realigns my vision. He has mastered communications 101, as He is the master of everything else. He brings new perspective to the trials of life. He brings new perspective to the joys of life. He brings the things I need to survive. He very often provides the things I want. He has gifted me with many talents. I am a vessel for Him to fill, and I very often overflow with recognition of His provision for me. When my vessel(self) feels empty, I cry out to Him for fulfillment. Right now my vessel is full. When I write, my vessel is sharing it's blessing with the people God calls to Himself. "God is good." How paltry is that word in reference to Him? Yet, it seems to me to say it all, simply and concisely. Thank you, God, Father, Savior, Deliverer, Provider, "Verizon support team" of the universe.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Promotion for Rosa

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to share some exciting news. I have received a promotion at work! I will be moving to the North Hills Rd Rutter's on April 27th as the Second Shift Lead Person. This is the next step I need to make on my way to becoming a manager with the Rutter's Company. I am in the process of pursuing a Roving Deli Manager position. Please, pray for my continuing success and a quick promotion to follow on the heals of this one.Thank you to everyone who has pushed, prodded, poked, and in general supported me and helped me to become the person I am today. God bless, Rosa